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Bit confused because I actually did sing the anthem IRL (well, some of it) and it dinged me for silence, but I'm guessing I missed something.

I don't want to spoil it for anyone  else...but I tried to make the game true to a police state  dystopian govt. So if try to claim a certain "right/protection"....or speak out against them just once you are punished. Regardless of all your combined choices...a govt like that only wants people who will follow, no questions asked and being happy and positive about what their govt gives them or tells them.


came here from ‘please answer carefully’! ur goated bro


ha thank you!


Very Orwellian game. Very fun. The music was a great touch and the detail of mentioning total surveillance in both the beginning and the ending set the mood really well. I also love how you designed an entire flag AND wrote an anthem. Keep up the good work! :)


thank you! I appreciate it! Yeah I had the basic idea down and once it was all finished I felt like it needed something a bit more and felt like the anthem was a nice touch to the overall theme I was going for!

I went in thinking this game would take me a day and it ended up taking me about few hours here and there over about 5 days. But I think working on the game a bit longer let me redo various ideas and really make it better overall. I kept running into various code issues...I would fix something and fixing one issue made another new issue pop up but eventually got it all figured out!